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Presidential Speech

My name is Jack Dales, I am a sophomore at Kingswood Regional High School, I am sixteen years old, and I believe that this school and more importantly this country could benefit from my presidency. 
Reason One: Because I'm Batman. All future arguments going against my election are invalid.

Okay now that all jokes are out of the way I actually do have a few logical points to make, proving why I should be president. I believe that a president should have a set of good morals. A president should prioritize the lives of others before their own personal agendas. 

Regarding the next generation of people that will be living in this world we have created, I believe that we as a whole should make it a priority that education will be something that all children will have access to. Without an education children will never develop the skills needed to succeed in life. Without an education people will not be able to function. An education gives people the potential and opportunities to do something they enjoy. As president, I promise to do everything in my power to grant education access to everyone in need of it.

Vote for DALES-RUSSO, vote for Legends.


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